Monday, October 3, 2011

KC Modern Quilt Show

The weather could not have been more perfect for the Modern Quilt Guild Quilt Show on Saturday...
I may be biased, but I think it was one of the most enjoyable quilt shows I've attended....beautiful weather, wonderful and creative quilts and lovely people to spend the day with! Since I know that most of you didn't get to attend, I thought you might enjoy some snapshots of the day. Enjoy!

 Held on the campus of the University of Missouri Kansas City, the sandstone buildings, pretty trees and grounds made for lovely backdrops....

It was a rough day for me.... It takes a lot of work to help watch over all that creativity..........But, someone had to do it, right!

 The university was celebrating their homecoming over the weekend also, so there was a steady stream of visitors all day....

 You may recognize a few of my babies flapping in the gentle breeze.....

 I didn't get pictures of all of the quilts, but, hopefully, you got a taste of the creative juices that are always flowing in the BEST Modern Quilt Guild around....right here in Kansas City!


  1. what an awesome setting! I love that young college aged people were seeing all of this!!

  2. Oh, my!!! Thank you for sharing. I just love the quilts on the rocks!

  3. Ahhhhhhh! What a beautiful day you must have had!

  4. What a fun day for you and everyone there!! There is nothing better than seeing the creativity of others!! I saw your beautiful quilts hanging there too!

  5. Awesome quilts - and so many of them! How many members in your guild Carla?

  6. Lovely- just gorgeous quilts!!! And a perfect day outside for a quilt show! :o)

  7. What a fun show! I have never been to an out-door show. There is a fresh feel to it. Got to make it to one of those. Thanks for sharing those gorgeous quilts!

  8. It WAS the best show! I totally enjoyed seeing all the quilts... dare I say, even more than the quilts at the AQS show!? You all put in well-spent time to make the show so perfect. And God assisted with the weather. What a team!

  9. So glad you posted some photos! I was out camping with my family and really missed going to the show. It was perfect weather, wasn't it?!

  10. Your show looks like it was fabulous! I was a little tempted to drive to KC for it - wish it was just a bit closer. It was such a gorgeous weekend and I got lots of yard work done. You are a talented group!

  11. thank you for sharing, Carla
    what a beautiful day and lovely place for all the pretty creations
    you belong to a great guild
    inspiration is best shared... more beauty will grow from that
    ; )

  12. Looks like you had an awesome day and amazing inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Great show! I would have loved to see them in person. How many quilts were in the show?

  14. The show was so much fun. I just love that picture of you!

  15. What a lovely way to display quilts, I wonder where you'd have displayed them all if you had a British climate to contend with tho! LOL.

  16. Thanks for sharing all the beauty. It looks like a perfect day. I wish I could have been there in person.

  17. Thanks for the pictures. It's always nice to see the old hometown and it made a great backdrop for those gorgeous quilts.

  18. It looks like it was a perfect day! Any chance you know who did that last quilt with the sailboats? I love that one!

  19. There were some lovely quilts on show - quite inspiring.

    What's homecoming (we don't have it in Australia)?

  20. I'm so sad I missed this event! I just found your blog this evening...I live in Olathe and would have LOVED to go see all those quilts (and my former campus)! I sew, but haven't quilted. I found you while I was searching for fabric to make my first quilt for a friend of mine. :)

    Haute To Sew

  21. Thanks so much for posting this wonderful photos! I flew out to San Diego on the day of the show and was sad to miss it. These help erase some of that sadness. See you at this week's meeting!
