Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Birthday Blogiversary Give Away

This week I'm celebrating a birthday that ends in a zero. It's not so bad, I've found, when a surprise party is involved!! 
 My amazing daughter, Megan, (who's name should be Martha Stewart) created color coordinated party decorations in grey, yellow and black. They were hung strategically around the dining room of the historic home recently renovated by my son, Drew and his wife, Lauren. 
 She secretly gathered lots of pictures from my childhood and early married life to hang around the room with clothes pins and ribbon. 
 The room was full of some of my best friends as well as my lovely children and grandchildren. 
She even had cute party favors for everyone!
 To say I was surprised is an understatement!
At the urging of Megan, I began blogging on my birthday two years ago. At the time, I had no idea what an impact that decision would have on my life! The inspiration, encouragement and friendships that have come about through Lollyquiltz delight me every day. Thank you all for reading my jabbering...without you, I wouldn't have any reason to write.Your comments keep me going. To celebrate both my birthday and my blogiversary let's have a Give Away of 3 fat quarters of Sugar Hill by Tanya Whelan in a favorite color combination plus a quilt pattern designed and written by yours truly a few years ago...
If you would like to enter, leave a comment telling me your favorite color combo right now. For a second chance, leave a separate comment letting me know that you are a follower of Lollyquiltz. Be sure that I have access to your email address for a valid entry. I'll choose a winner on Friday morning. Thanks again for making this such a fun hobby!
**The give away is now closed. 


  1. Happy Birthday to you and you blog!

  2. Happy B Day. What a beautiful cake and a nice surprise, Love the decorating idea with the pictures. I think my favorite color combo right now is Red and blue. Thanks for the chance

  3. Happy birthday! I'd have to say right now I'm stuck on the trendy neon pastels with a good medium gray. Something just draws me to them.

  4. Happy 30th! Carla!!! Hee hee! The cake is kidding Martha Stewart! And the kiddos are all adorable. It looks like a very fun day. I have lots of favorite color combinations, but I really love red and pink!

  5. How awesome! Happy Birthday. =) And I love the picture with the kids!

    I think my favorite combo's would be anything with orange...I have seen a couple newer lines coming out with orange and it works for me. =)

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  6. I'm a follower. =)

  7. I'd have to say that I'm an aqua and red fan right at the moment. Happy Birtday, and thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Happy Birthday!
    I'm so glad you continue to blog. I enjoy reading your blog so much!
    My fave colour combo right now is orange fuscia and aqua!
    yesterday it was yellow and grey.. it changes with each project!

  9. i'm loving pink and red together on everything. i feel like such a rule breaker.

  10. i'm a follower too

  11. Your cake is beautiful, and you certainly don't look old enough to have grandchildren.

    Red, white and blue is my favorite quilt color combo, but I'm really a scrappy, anything goes quilter.

  12. Happy Birthday! My, but you've been busy!
    My fave colors right now are Yellow, grey, and turquoise! (and orange, and brown, and pink and red and....;)

  13. happy birthday! how fun, surprise party!
    favorite color combo...neutrals! white/cream/tans.

  14. Happy Birthday Carla! My favorite color combos are yellow and gray or orange and turquoise. Thanks

  15. Birthday Blessings to you, Carla. What a beautiful cake! Not really a combo but I've been with sewing with 'brights' this spring and have really enjoyed it.

  16. Love the rosebud fabric! Thanks, I'm a new follower.

  17. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!! What a bee-utiful cake! And such darling grandbabies!!!!! How wonderful, for all of you!
    It is so hard for me to pick a fave color combo...oranges and blues? but i've been drawn lately to grays and limes (thank you, Carla and your wonderful zigzag :) I also love the sherbet effect of pinks and oranges and whites :)

  18. Happy, happy birthday!! Such a lovely family and so sweet and thoughtful!! What fun! I think my favorite color combos right now are creams, pinks and greens! Really I love anything if you add a tonal cream to it!

  19. I'm also a follower! I too have enjoyed blog land and cherish the friendships and inspiration!!


  20. Sounds like you had a wonderul birthday!!! My favorite color combo is probably gray and .... hmmmmm... aqua or yellow.

  21. I am a follower of your blog - love reading it!

  22. How could I not follow your colorful blog??!! :)

  23. Well here's another belated happy birthday wish! That cake is awesome!

  24. Happy Birthday!! Your daughter is very talented, it looks gorgeous!! The cake looks yummy too!
    I find colour combos tough because I love so many colours, at this precise moment I'm going to say coral and grey xx

  25. happy birthday to you and your blog! thanks for the great giveaway! right now i love dark grey and lime!

  26. i am a follower in google reader!

  27. Happy birthday! What a wonderful surprise! Your grandchildren are beautiful!

    It is tough for me to pick one fav. combo--right now I love turquoise, red and white...but also like grey, yellow and white. And a funky new combo that I love started with Denyse Schmidts Aunt Edna line--I love the orange with fushcia...trying to decide if grey or white would work with it. I can't wait to make something in that combo--though it wouldn't go with anything in my house! LOL

  28. I am also a follower! Thanks for the chance to win! Your pattern looks neat!

  29. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a fun time!
    My fav color combinations are blue and yellow.

  30. Sending Birthday Blessings your way! I can't imagine a better way to celebrate! Love the precious photo of you surrounded by your lovely grandchildren! Enjoy!

  31. Happy birthday!! My current favorite color combination is teal and yellow.

  32. I also follow your blog! It's on my morning-coffee-places-to-check-up-on list. :)

  33. Happy birthday!!! Would that be 3-0????? What a fabulous job your daughter did on your party. It does sound like a Martha party.

    I am leaning towards lime green and grey lately.

  34. Congratulations on your milestone, and your lovely family! My favorite color combo now would be aqua, deep pink, and pale orange.
    The prize looks fabulous...thanks for the chance!

  35. Happy Birthday lady! ... How exciting! I love when you share about your grands (too)! ... That fabric trio matches a vintage tablecloth I found! HINT HINT ;0) *wink wink* ... my favorite colorway is ... Orange lately.
    I cant believe your just a 'little' older than me!

  36. .. but of course i'm a follower! ...
    Can't wait to see you at the retreat and take your workshop! ... countdown is on!

  37. Happy Birthday and what a great way to celebrate your special day (love the cake, the 'photo' decorations and the big smile on your face!!!
    My favorite color combo is red and blue....thanks for the chance to win!

  38. Happy Birthday, glad to see it was a good one! What a lovely cake they got you. :) My favorite color combination is teal and anything! Teal and orange, teal and yellow, dark teal and light teal!

  39. Happy Birthday, Carla! Sixty isn't really so bad, honest. My favorite colors are usually blue and green but I'm feeling a bit springish so let's throw in some pink and yellow.

  40. Happy birthday. After seeing this color combination in a quilt I fell in love. Aqua and Purple.

  41. Happy Birthday Carla! My favorite color combo right now is robins egg blue, and chartreuse. Kinda like your blog background!!!



  44. Happy birthday, Carla! Lovely pictures of you and your sweet little ones... So happy Megan inspired you to start blogging.

  45. Happy Birthday Carla - welcome to the club!! Who would have guessed we are less than 2 weeks apart :)!! My favorite colors right now are green and plum purple.

  46. You know I've been a follower for a long time. I'm so glad we've met thru blogland and have become friends.

  47. Happy Birthday! What a lovely day you've had!
    My favourite colours right now are blue and orange!

  48. I forgot to say this - so this one won't count - but your grandchildren are beautiful!! Seven - how blessed you are :).

  49. You are showing my favorite combo, red and aqua!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Happy Blogiversary! Beautiful family....

  50. What a sweet surprise! Love the photos on the line. Happy Birthday to you!

  51. You can send your daughter out to decorate my nursery! I'm going with yellow/gray for some gender neutral fun!

  52. Happy birthday, "Sis"--I'm right behind you. Thanks for blazing the way in style!

  53. Favorite color combo today is apple green and hot pink, because I am planning a baby quilt in those colors.

  54. Whoa! Do you look surprised, or what!? That picture of you and your grandies is simply wonderful! I love it! I'm just thrilled you had a wonderful birthday. Megan sure outdid herself. The decorations are marvelous! My fav color combo now? Orange and pink, hmmm maybe with some chartreuse and white. Of course I've never made anything in this combination, but it sounds bright, doesn't it? Thank you for your great giveaway and the chance to win.

  55. You know it girl... I'm already a devoted, gibbering, adoring fan and follower.

  56. Happy, happy birthday!!! Thanks for the giveaway- I'm loving pink and yellow as a colour combo at the moment!!

  57. And I am a happy follower too! Cute grand kids!!

  58. favorite color combo right now is blue and orange. Happy Birthday!!!

  59. Happy birthday Carla! I am ready to try aqua with chartreuse and mallard green.

  60. First of all, happy birthday to you. I feel like we are kindred spirits, as I grew up in KC. It still holds a spot in my heart. Yellow ifs my favorite color and it goes well with, blue, purple, grey...see?

  61. What a sweet picture of you and grandbabies and what a lovely surprise.Happy Birthday and many more. I just love color and my favorite changes quite often but I am loving Oranges and Pinks right now.

  62. Happy birthday! What great family photos. My Favourite colours at present seem to be blues and pinks.
    Linda on ( not Google email, thanks)

  63. Happy Birthday to you!!! Love the photo with you and your grandchildren. They are adorable.
    My favorite combination at this time is purple and aqua.

  64. I absolutely adore that cake! It makes me want to bake a cake and I have no reason to! The decorations are lovely; you are a very lucky woman. Happy Birthday!

    Amanda Rose

  65. For some strange reason I am being attracted to creams and light browns. They have never been my favorite colors either.

  66. Happy Birthday from a follower of your wonderful blog. Btw beautiful grandbabies.

  67. Happy Birthday! My favorite colors are Peach and Mint Greent - have loved them for the longet time.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  68. I follow your blog through Google Reader. Thanks again!

  69. Happy Birthday!! That was a great surprise. I will have to remember to treat my mom as nice. Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. Happy Birthday - to you and your blog!

  71. Happy Birthday to you and your blog!! What a beautiful cake. How sweet you had a surprise party. You know you are loved but it's always nice to see what people who love you, do for you. (make sense? It did in my head. hehe)

    Thank you for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win. I'm seeing lots of great colors online that I would never have put together on my own. I'm wanting to make something with grey, Orange is also a color I'm loving.


  72. I'm a follower of your blog via BlogLovin. It's great as they have an app for my phone. Easy to keep caught up with my reading.

    Thanks again for a chance to win.


  73. Happy birthday to you! I love the picture of you and your grandchildren, adorable.
    My favorite combination is pink and green.

  74. Sending you birthday wishes!! I am already a follower - thanks for the chance!

  75. I am making Granny Quilt blocks and am combining all sorts of fabric combinations - these are so much fun and each one is prettier than the last (ok I'm addicted!!).

  76. Just 1 color combo? You mean I have to have a favorite? :)...hmm... Well, then I'll have to pick orange and blue.... Or maybe teal and pink... No, wait. Yellow and red... :) Actually, to be quite honest, I am so loving any rainbow combination I see! Happy birthday!!

  77. My favorite would be aqua/turquoise and grey! Happy Birthday to you! And Happy Blogoversary too! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  78. My fave combos right now are pink and orange, closely followed by cream and pale blue together... delicious.


  79. A Happy Birthday to you ~ My favorite color combination is pink and green. I am NOW a
    follower on your blog and love it. I was having a
    bad day and started reading your past blogs and
    just love it ~ (forgot why I was having a bad day) Congratulations again on your birthday and love your pictures (especially you and your darling grandchildren ~ the surprise one is priceless). Thanks for the opportunity in the give away.

  80. Happy Birthday and thanks for blogging! You've been an inspiration!

    Fav colour combo at this moment (it can change on a dime) is blue/green/aqua ... or is it red/cream/oyster/grey/black? Or orange/pink/yellow/purple? It's any one of those and more!

  81. Right now I'm a little obsessed with eggplant, cobalt and gray together.

  82. And I'm a follower- you're in my feed reader.

  83. Oooh, color combinations are endless! I just finished a baby quilt that was yellow and pink...I always love green and blue...but I think my next quilt will include grey and ....yellow? We'll see. That one's a stretch for me!

  84. ...and I'm definitely a follower! Thanks for your blogging! I love all your posts, but really enjoy the Sunday ones- pictures with verses are also a great combination.

  85. Great birthday decoration in the hall.Cake was look so yummy.I really want to eat.I am so crazy about cake.SO many children are come with gift.It really glad atmosphere.

    codice sconto

  86. Happy Birthday Carla, Love reading the F W stories

  87. Happy Birthday to you and your blog!
    favourite colour combo at the moment is black and cream - this is the current project on the go.

  88. I'm way late but I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I wish you love, peace and joy in your 61st year, and all subsequent years!

  89. Happy belated birthday! lol I've been looking at your "finishes" while our dinner is in the oven. What fun it has been to see all your quilts!

  90. Happy belated birthday! lol I've been looking at your "finishes" while our dinner is in the oven. What fun it has been to see all your quilts!
