Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 365 Day Photo Challenge: Week 4

Winter is winding down, but the weather around here certainly isn't! I took a bit of creative liberty with this week's prompts. I'll show you what I mean...

Capture Your 365
February 18: Swing The week started out springlike as Maelie and her favorite steed, Blackie, demonstrate.

February 19:Framed It was even warm enough for a hike through the woods.

February 20:Performance  Lula showed us her 'scary face', her hair in foam rollers for the first time ever (just like her mommy used to wear)!

February 21: Sweet Treats  Snowy days inside have given me lots of sewing time. Here's the latest batch of 'Juicy Fruit' Churn Dash blocks and a fruit I've been enjoying.

February 22:Look Up  We brought these handmade birdhouses back with us from a vacation to the Oregon coast a few years ago. On these wintery days, the sparrows are happy that we did!

February 24:Essential Equipment  A strong back and a good shovel are necessary for moving lots of that white stuff!

February 25:A Cup of Coffee  After a day of marathon snow shoveling, I'm happy to use my new Keurig coffee maker to brew my favorite flavor! (Can you read the upside-down-backwards word in the reflection on my cup?)
As I look out the window, I see more shoveling in my future. Honestly, I'm not sad to see the calendar change to March in a few days with some springtime photo prompts ahead, hopefully!


  1. Love the bird houses! Good luck with some signs of Spring! It's still very Summery here- which I am happy about because I am heading off, next week, on school camp- to the beach! Wanna come?

  2. Great photos! We already have daffodils blooming here but then had a strong frost the last two nights, so I don't know how well they'll do.

    Your churn dash blocks are so pretty!

  3. Such good photos. My favorite is of your Sweet Treats. You're going to have a beautiful quilt there. Also like Lula's Performance. You have quite photogenic grandies. As for your snow-shoveler... good for him, though we should see his face now and again too!

  4. Carla, that snow looks so pretty, and makes for some delightful photos like those bird houses, but I'm sure it's not all fun and games living with it. Those quilt blocks and your granddaughters are delicious looking too LOL.

  5. I miss my birdhouses we had on the farm. My iPad wont let me turn the picture to read your mug ; )
    Your quilt will be amazing. How big will you go?

  6. great photos. the snow coming off the shovel is really neat. oh, the coffee is perfect for a snowy day too.

  7. I read the snow is hitting you again! Gorgeous pictures, though. Especially the one with the shovel...

  8. I think your photos are spot on! And it could be worse...it could be raining! :)

  9. Framed and Look Up = AWESOME! I wish I had an ounce of your talent!
