Friday, April 4, 2014

Selvage and Paper

 Ever thought about sewing selvages onto something made of paper?
 It's a quick and easy project. A half dozen selvage decorated cards would make a nice gift for a friend. Start by gluing a selvage to the front of the card with the ends extending past the paper edges.
 I like to use my walking foot and a #12 needle to sew the selvage to the card.
Continue layering the selvage and stitching down, folding under the last one before sewing it down to create a finished edge.
 Trim the selvages even with the card...
 refold and enjoy your one-of-a-kind card! 
 Another quick paper project is to stitch selvage onto a tag-board booklet cover.
 Fold under the raw edges before you stitch. These make great little "somethings" to slip into a birthday or get well card.
Stray cards need not stay neglected.
 With a little trimming, a paper punch...
 and a few cute selvages...
 you will quickly have some very special gift tags! (For the green tag, I just  glued on the selvages rather than sewing them down.)
 This stray Christmas card...
will soon decorate a gift for my little grand daughter's first birthday.
 And speaking of gifts, here's a fun no-sew idea...
Just glue color-coordinated selvages to the front of a plain gift bag. A little press with a hot iron will help seal them down. 
Well, this ends my week long focus on that extra inch of fabric that many quilters just throw away. 
I did the math and based on $11 per yard fabric, that one inch wide strip of selvage costs you 25 cents. Now, that's worth saving, don't you agree!


  1. And at $24 Australian a meter, it's an even better use! Love all these ideas Carla! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us! I trust that chocolate bunny tastes good!

  2. Thank you for sharing all your great selvage ideas this week! I would never have thought of using them on cards.

  3. I have really enjoyed your selvege ideas! Can't wait to put some of them to use! :)

  4. Those are some great ideas, thank you!

  5. As a card maker myself, I had a huge "duh???!!!" here - great idea!!!! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  6. So cute! I never thought of sewing them onto cards, books, bags, etc. Thanks!!

  7. How pretty all of these are! What a wonderful way to use selvages. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I've only said this about 67 times before, but you have the cleverest ideas. Where DO you come up with this stuff?! Must be all you've been thinking about for several days and nights... new ways to use selvages. Well. I'm just terribly impressed. You've got a head on your shoulders girl, and I know where Megan got hers too!

  9. You have done it again! Such fun and crafty ideas. The bunny in the picture doesn't hurt either.

  10. Thanks for all the selvedge inspiration. I no longer worry I might be daft collecting them as they have so many possible uses.
