Thursday, September 6, 2012

Random Projects

Currently, I am actively working on four quilting projects. This is normal, or below normal, for me. (Believe me when I say that there are many 'inactive' projects on the sidelines.) If you have been reading my blog for for long, you are sick to death of hearing about this one: My Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. So, just for today, I'll spare you. (Come back tomorrow if you are a glutton for punishment!)
 This week, I was so excited to again work on my Good Fortune quilt. My good friend, Vicki, and I are making this one together. Sewing with a buddy is heaven to me! I'm using Flea Market Fancy and Kona PFD white.  Our first sewing day was spent cutting, talking and eating. This week we finally got to sew some strips together before it was time to quit!
 Vicki and I are both struggling a bit with the directions. Having done a little pattern writing and testing, maybe I'm just overly analytical, but we did find a mistake...see where I crossed out the word "Block Centers" beside section 1. To us, it should have read "Sashings" because, as you can see, that is what the steps A,B,C, and D have you making. Section 2, on the next page, again is labeled "Block Centers". Oh, well, we figured it out, eventually! It  does makes me wonder if Kate Spain and Moda used any testers, though.
 Slowly, but surely, my patriotic Great Granny Squares are adding up... only 3 more to go!
 This week I only added two: I love this mostly red one. (The color is really washed out in this picture, taken in too much sunlight....the pix above is more true to life.)
 Because I usually am working from my stash for most projects, finding the right blue has been a little challenging. I added this blue batik to my stash this summer, which was unusual because I don't usually purchase batiks....but loved this one.
 You probably get tired of me trying to convert the quilting world into using leader/enders while sewing on...well, anything. (Check out this post if you don't know what I'm talking about.) As I've mentioned before, I'm using this "Mazed"pattern and a layer cake of Bohemian Festival, for my current leader/ender quilt . I almost have all of the squares sewn together!
 A key to using leader/enders to sew more quilts without much extra time or effort, is to plan ahead. I hate to finish up a leader/ender quilt and not have another waiting in the wings. With anticipation of finishing up Mazed, I'm leaning toward this quilt...
 ...found in this fun little book that I got at a really good price from Connecting Threads.
Just curious, how many projects to you "actively" work on at one time?
I'm linking up with Live a Colorful Life for Really Random Thursday.


  1. I try to limit myself to five or six. I usually have numerous ideas in my head and have to stop myself from starting another! Love all your projects and I'm really not tired of the FW!

  2. At the moment, I have three active quilts. That is three that I go back and forth sewing on, that are all on my table.
    Oh, and I just found out yesterday that leaders & enders quilts had a name! I've done it before, and currently am now, but I never knew they had a name.

  3. I think I can only cope with one project at a time at the moment - one machine piecing, one hand appliqué, one knitting, one embroidery, one cross stitch!! LOL
    And then there are the other twenty or sew partially completed projects that need my attention! If I try to think about them all at once I get overwhelmed, hence my focus on "one thing"!

    I understand the concept of leaders and enders and totally agree but haven't yet put it into practice! The key is the planning and preparation, isn't it?

  4. PS I've linked to this post in my latest post.

  5. I have way too many to count!!! Sad to say....

    Your GG blocks look fabulous and I am a fan of leaders and enders too.

  6. I just lucked onto your blogpost about the KCMQG Challenge of interpreting Kandinsky's paintings. They are all fantastic quilts!

  7. I applaud you for leaders and enders, I can't usually plan that much ahead. I am however working on one as a Miagia right now. I've got 8 quilts I'm working on all at the same time. I've got to get a handle on this...... :)

  8. It would take forever to count all my "current" projects. Your projects are all just so beautiful. Since I got ahead of myself and actually finished my first leaders and enders quilt top, I find myself in need of a plan. I like Mazed. Where did you get the pattern?

  9. I think I have almost 50 ongoing projects. OMG. Did I just say that out loud? I love that Kate Spain quilt. I love the pattern and I love the fabrics you are using! My friend Amanda wrote the pattern for Up, Up, and Away! I got to see her quilt in person the other day. I love that pattern. And I love that book. It is awesome, isn't it????
