Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Some of you know that my son, Drew, and his family have been living in Nepal since late March. They are there through May doing a support effort for a medical mission agency who works with the disabled.
Here in the US, my husband and I learned of the earthquake in Kathmandu, where they are, via Facebook in the early morning hours on Saturday. Fortunately, Drew was able to call us a few hours later and assure us that they were all safe. He had just helped rescue two toddlers from their crushed home! He, Lauren, Oliver, Ezra and Lois were getting ready to all head back outside to a field to wait out another heavy predicted aftershock. The blessings of our present day communication systems are never more apparent than during tragedies like this! We are so thankful. 
view from their headquarters building before the earthquake
I've decided to share some of the blog posts that Drew and his wife are posting describing what life is like for them right now inside Nepal as they live through this life changing event and strive to help the people suffering there. Read them if you are interested. I'll get back to quilting one of these days.
Working for Water


  1. Thank God they are safe! They are doing such a wonderful jobs. They, and the people of Nepal are in my prayers.

  2. I didn't know they were there. So glad all are safe.

  3. Carla,
    Thank you so much for sharing these links. I'm praying for them and you and will add to prayer list at my study at church tonight. It's all about caring for each other. Blessings.

  4. I am so glad they are ok! I will send some prayers for everyone, you included!

  5. Carla, I'm so happy to hear your son and the family are well. Thank you for the links. x Teje

  6. Thank the Lord they are safe. Praying for you all Carla

  7. It has been amazing to be able to see this calamity from such a close vantage point through your family. They remain in my prayers...xo

  8. Glad to hear they are safe in the midst of Nepal's disaster.
