Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Gone Astray!

A few have you have noticed my absence. Please don't be worried as I am doing fine. If you've sold a house recently, you will understand when I tell you that I've been super busy getting my house ready to sell and, now, keeping it ready for those invisible buyers that come through every few days!
 I barely let my husband sit on the couch, poor guy. You never know when that next house shopper is going to want to stop by! No, we don't have a house in mind to buy. We have just decided that the time is right to move back to "town". It's an adventure!
 You may remember that I've been sewing in my bedroom for several years. Well, that might seem strange to potential buyers, so I've moved to this cute cubby in the basement. I love the lighting...so much better than the bedroom. It's also very cool during the hot summer days. Now, if I can just find time to sew!
 I did make my three year old granddaughter, Lois, a little dress a while back to welcome her home from Nepal. Do you see those words "easy-to-sew"?
 Well...Miss Simplicity lied. This placket was a killer. It looks simple, doesn't it? That's just what I thought. But, no! Trust me on that. The pattern was only a buck on sale, so no tears were shed when it landed in the circular file, let's just say!
 The result is cute and fits Lois perfectly, although it's hard to tell in this blurry photo! 
 And just to prove to you that I'm still alive and well, here is hubby and me with six of our grandies right before shooting off a bunch of really cool fireworks on the 4th.
We will miss that next year, I know. 
Thanks for sticking with me.


  1. What a fun post. Looks like you had a wonderful 4th of July. Your house is beautiful and I'm sure you'll find the perfect buyer, who will fall in love with it, very soon. Absolutely lovely to me.


  2. I find plackets are never easy!

  3. I will miss seeing your beautiful house, should I ever get State-side! Maybe I should buy it....:-)) Love the dress for Lois, not happy that its wasn't easy!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, what an adventure... I'm sure it's hard to give up this beautiful home but you'll make yourself a new and wonderful home! Good luck on finding a "nice" buyer - it's so much easier if the people moving in are nice guys :-))

  6. I feel for you having just been through the whole house selling process! We're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel - moving in 3 weeks! I'm looking forward to getting back to some quiet peaceful sewing. Good luck with your sale!

  7. Cute dress, even if the pattern wasn't great!

  8. Good luck with the house sale. When selling a house is the only time I ever iron bed linen.
    Odd that the Simplicity pattern caused you grief. I have never had that happen. It does look cute.

  9. The sweetest little dress Carla. Selling is hard if you have children around ; )
    Enjoy your adventure

  10. Sweet sweet dress and little Lois is all smiles :) I imagine she is happy to be back with her Lolly! Having only seen glimpses of your home it is fun to see the bigger picture...I just imagine all the grandies arriving happily any time they come over...which they will continue doing in your new home too, I'm sure! Your property will be a blessing to the new owner!

  11. Oh your house is gorgeous, I would buy it if I could! Good luck with the sale and finding something wonderful and new! Lois is a cutie and great name too :)

  12. I feel you - we're about to take the plunge ourselves and put our townhouse up. I dread the process of getting everything in tip top shape and keeping it there. Good luck!

  13. Your home is lovely Carla. Hope you find a new one that will be just right. And the little dress is very sweet even if it wasn't "easy" I think you have a lot of fun making those grandies cute clothes from all that I see here on the blog. I can imagine one day I might be tempted to do the same when I have grand kids. It was sewing for my daughter when she was little that got me back into sewing in the first place. Now get downstairs and start quilting.

  14. You have a very cute house! Love to see your decorating -- esp. above your kitchen cabinets. Appreciated the photo of your basement sewing room, too. Hope you get a good solid contract on your house very soon!

  15. I hope that by now the invisible buyers have revealed themselves! I know how tedious it is to continually be on alert with keeping the perfect house. Though, I really do like your sewing room set-up! So cute! As is Lois's adorable dress. How disappointing that it wasn't a piece of cake to sew. That's a lovely photo of you with your grandchildren. You and Fred are most definitely blessed.

  16. I love your house! Wish I could buy it! :-) What a darling little dress!

  17. wow! we are just talking about moving...buy it will be out of "town". I want to have space! I envy folks who decide and just do it! It takes us forever! As a side note, sometimes blogging just takes a lot of time...especially when your time is very limited. How is the pup?

  18. You have a beautiful home and family. Good luck in your new adventure! Will you be downsizing? Ugh, so many of my friends are getting to that, and that is in our future. I'm dreading it as we've been in our house for 30 years!

  19. I hope you sell your house quickly! All that keeping things clean and tidy becomes tedious very quickly. Cute dress and beautiful grandchildren :)

  20. Lovely post, and lovely house, Carla! Very fun to see your sewing skills on your wee granddaughter, and loved the photo of you with your grandchildren at the end. Good luck with the house!

  21. I have been meaning to call you--I wish I wasn't so phone phobic. Anxious to hear how things are going. I'm so glad I was able to spend some time in your lovely home. And Lois is simply adorable in that dress.

  22. Hi Carla! Good luck, I hope you sell the house soon! We spend all the last summer with selling our house (huge paper work, packing etc). then moved in August and again in December. Before that we were trying to find byer for many years. First year I was cleaning all the time, had even packed my sewing machine. Then realized that this will take looooong time and we started to live 'normally' again. Not so easy when having all the time in your mind that any day you may sell the house... or not. Now we have finally done that and I hope we don't move for a looong time. Enjoy your sewing and don't spend too much time waiting. Have a lovely summer! x Teje

  23. hmmm... for got to say that your house looks beautiful, lightful and cosy! x Teje

  24. I have missed your posts and seeing what you have been up to!
    I used to be a real estate agent so I know everything you are going through! Hang in there! It is hard so sew and have your home "showing" ready!

  25. Just a note to say that I miss your blog posts and inspiration. I know you have moved and all that can involve (we moved 2 years ago). It takes time to get settled and to find the time for your inspiration in the sewing room to resume. So, no pressure -- just wanted you to know you are missed!

  26. I miss reading your blogs too! I hope you continue in the near future..

  27. Miss you and your blog! Hope all is well!

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  29. Hi Carla. Just checking in to see if you were here. We are now going through the house selling/moving thing and it made me wonder if you had gotten back to blogging. I wondered where "in town" you ended up. I was born and raised in KC and haven been back there since 2000. Not much of my family is left there anymore. Hope you are well.

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