Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'd Love to Chat, But I Don't Know Your Number!

 I love to meet new friends and answering blog comments is a great way to make that happen. If I haven't answered a question you have asked or thanked you for your quilty love, there may be a reason: You may need to change your profile settings so that your email address is accessible when you leave a comment. Here's a link to a great tutorial on checking and changing your profile to be sure you are not a "No reply blogger". If you  never get a reply from me (or from other bloggers) when you comment, please take a minute and read this helpful post. And then....let's chat!


  1. It took me forever to figure that one out. Cindy @LiveAColorfulLife had to walk me through it!

  2. Good reminder Carla. It can be especially sad during a give-away because of the inability to contact them. Cute little girlie ; )

  3. What a lovely post to remind people that there is a reason why we don't reply to their lovely comments. If I can, I pop over to their blogs and leave my reply there.

  4. I can't believe that it's taken me this long to find your blog. I'm going to be a regular based on what I read tonight. I enjoyed reading your posts and discovered that you and I have more in common than just quilts: book and library work for starters.

  5. I just stumbled upon your blog...and thanks so much for the info. I'm an incorrigible lurker and, thanks to you that's now been fixed! I love your quilts, BTW.
