I'm needing a dose of Spring about now.......how about you? Here in Kansas City, the weatherman says that it may get up to 80 degrees later this week! Woo Hoo!! I'm loving the sound of that!
Don't these pretty fabrics make you long for the blooming flowers that are just around the corner...at least in my neck of the woods, anyway. The wonky log cabin blocks are all made using Nicey Jane by Heather Bailey. I love the pretty fabrics, but what I love even more is the fact that the blocks were all made for me by blog friends in different states. March was "my month" for the Nittany Block Party. I joined this online block exchange group in December and was paired up with eleven other quilters across the country. Each month we all make blocks for one quilter who decides the block she wants and then gives us instructions and, sometimes, fabric.
Wanda, from Oklahoma, was first and asked us to make wonky log cabin blocks using our own fabrics with a "person" fabric as the center. We each made her two blocks so she is well on her way to a nice size quilt. In February we made scrappy X-blocks for Sherri who lives in Indiana. She mailed both charcoal grey and white solid Kona to set off the colorful scrap fabric that each quilter would contribute from her own stash to make the block. I loved the look of the block so much that I am making a quilt using the same idea. I'll show you the finished product soon! (Sherri said she didn't mind if I "copied".... Thanks, Sherri.)
April will find me anxiously checking my computer for news about what Tracy in PA has chosen for her month. One thing I know, it will be fun to create a block that she will enjoy and treasure. If you haven't discovered the wonderful world of quilting via the internet, I only have one question: What are you waiting for? Here's a place to start. Let me know if you decide to join a group.........I'd love to hear about it! Happy Spring!!
Oh, your blocks look really lovely all together. Except, of course, for mine. Guilt :( I can't wait to see the whole thing put together. Fresh as Springtime!